Placement year for duo James and Jordan

11 August 2023

Flat mates and university course colleagues James and Jordan have just come to the end of their year placement at Pozzoni. Before they head back to their studies in Nottingham, they share a little bit about their time in practice.

James: My time with Pozzoni started in August of 2022 when I joined as an undergraduate student looking to develop my knowledge and experience through a placement year. I came into the year not really knowing what to expect, just with the realisation that it would be very different to my first two years in the world of studying and university.

Upon joining the practice I became part of the leisure sector team and focused on one project throughout my time here. I have been responsible for producing and assisting with a variety of technical work throughout RIBA work stages 3 & 4 of the Radcliffe Civic Hub. From the outset I was involved in several aspects of the project, and I’ve been progressively more involved as the year went on. Varied tasks, such as 3D modelling, detailing, and producing many other drawings, alongside being involved in meetings with contractors, have set me up very well for returning to university in Nottingham this autumn.

Being able to go to each person within the team with any queries, as well as just for a friendly conversation, has been one of the most beneficial things I will take away from this year. I have noticed little things that have stuck that I have been able to use myself and relay onto others, which has helped substantially with my confidence within the work environment.

After a few months working at Pozzoni my fellow course mate and flat mate Jordan also joined the practice. This personally gave me a bit of a confidence boost, but I also believe we have both been able to make the most of our time here because of this, both socially and in furthering our knowledge. And not forgetting the reputation we have grown for being inseparable…

Jordan: I started my placement in August 2022 at a different firm to Pozzoni. After completing nearly three months there I decided that the company wasn’t for me. Living with James I knew his placement at Pozzoni was enjoyable and he was developing his learning with mentor support. So, I decided to apply and thankfully got offered the opportunity to join the practice which started in October 2022.

Upon arrival at Pozzoni I joined the leisure sector team. I felt welcome and immediately involved in the project I was allocated which was the refurbishment of Altrincham Leisure Centre. Assisting with this project included a variety of tasks and responsibilities which have developed over the year. I have also seen a development in my skills whilst working on the project, from increasing my Revit knowledge, to talking with clients, and seeing how the team's work develops into a real-life project. These skills will greatly help me work towards achieving more in my final year of university.

Richard Floyd and David Spoors became my mentors, assisting with any queries and helping me gain an understanding of the project. When I joined the team, I got to know them on a personal level and found I connected with my peers around me. This allowed me to socialise and build relationships within the office to further enjoy my time at Pozzoni. Building these relationships has not only allowed me to socialise within the office, but also allowed me to experience Manchester outside the office with my peers.

Architecture has always interested me ever since school. Being able to learn and develop my knowledge over the year at Pozzoni has helped kick start my career and understand the direction I want my future to go.

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