Embarking on my architectural career

22 February 2023

I joined Pozzoni as a post Part 1 Architectural Assistant in September 2022 to gain more confidence and experience before applying for my Master’s degree. My first Part 1 placement prior to joining Pozzoni educated me on working alongside architectural technologists and landscape architects across a range of sectors, but I still felt unfulfilled due to the limited amount of work and responsibility delegated to me. I therefore decided to postpone my Master’s study for a year in lieu of finding a different placement… and here I am!

After nearly six months of working within the later living team at Pozzoni I’ve been involved in specialised, community-centred care and retirement living projects and I have discovered that my strengths lie in creating schemes for people. As these schemes have developed, my confidence has followed, and I have a constant flow of support, whether that be through my mentor (via the Pozzoni Academy), surrounding team members or our team leaders.

Through both my placements I now feel accustomed to office etiquette and find myself continuously grateful for the positive learning environment at Pozzoni. Despite only being in the practice for just under six months, I feel the team has pushed my ability and allowed me to take on roles and responsibilities that can be regarded as advanced for this stage in my career. Primarily working using Revit and Adobe suite, my skills continue to advance in both ability and knowledge.

My short time here undoubtedly supports the notion that Pozzoni genuinely cares and values its people and, from a personal perspective, I feel extremely welcome, accepted and appreciated within my team.

Currently I am applying for my architecture Master’s and really hope to stay in Manchester. I was lucky to find a practice which mutually supports and encourages me, and I couldn’t recommend Pozzoni enough to anyone wanting to embark on their architectural journey.

I am grateful for my experience so far; the attitude, projects and people really do the practice justice, and I am looking forward to continuing my Pozzoni journey. I now consider my colleagues as really good friends and I can honestly say that I actively look forward to my working day - a sentence I never thought I’d say!

Article written by

Samantha Cutler

Current retirement living project

Current retirement living project
