Redbridge Centre – Projects

Redbridge Centre

Client: Jewish Care
Sector: Living
Value: £18M
Location: Ilford
Status: In Progress
Internal Team: Emma Tanti
Jacob Graves

The scheme encompasses the redevelopment of Sinclair House which was formerly Jewish Care’s community centre, into the provision of a new, modern 66-bed care home, community centre and dementia day centre. The design proposals also include new external amenity space, gardens, parking and ancillary accommodation.

Currently on site, the new building has been designed to enhance the standard of care and quality of life of the residents, along with providing vibrant facilities for the wider Jewish community. This will include important provisions for practicing Judaism within and around the site, such as a Sukkah within the grounds. The new building will provide accommodation and care to residents who will be living with a variety of care needs from residential through to specialist dementia and palliative care.